Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Switch Girl

Switch girl manga introduces a character named Tamiya Nika. A switch girl is someone who assumes two roles in her everyday life but this is not the same as Multiple Personality Disorder. Tamiya Nika knows full well what she is doing.

At school, she is the most beautiful girl and is admired by many. She puts up great effort in order to look well everyday. This is known as her 'switch on' mode. She does her best to look as graceful and pretty as much as possible, afraid that other people would find out her true self.

When she gets home, she returns to being her true self by 'switching off'. She truly is a tomboyish and funny girl. Her hobbies include shopping for great bargains with her family at the stores. Her eyes can automatically calculate prices of goods and gauge their quality. She likes eating smelly fish for lunch, wears a track suit and some geeky glasses then ties her hair up into three buns that points to different directions.

This is what she looks like when she is on 'switch on' mode!

Nika might be slightly(okay, I mean a lot!) strange when she is in her switch off mode, but there is no doubt that she is just as kind and compassionate. She has the tendency to believe in strangers, she's a bit naive but she makes up for it by being strong and helpful to even those who had oppressed her. She isn't the smartest either when it comes to academics. She has failed a lot of tests, but thankfully, Arata(super smart guy) was able to help her.

She has intense feelings for Arata, more intense than she ever would have expected. Arata wasn't that much of a heartthrob, since he is quite secretive and sensitive when his life is being probed. Which is why Nika had a hard time trying to understand him and win his heart.

This is Kamiya Arata, Nika's love interest. A cool and laid back boy who likes his solitude. However, when he met Nika and discovered her secret that she was actually wasn't the pretty and elegant girl she wants everyone to believe, things has changed considerably for him.

He has his own secrets too. One of them was the fact that he hides his good looks with a pair of geeky sunglasses. His switch on is the complete opposite of Nika's. While Nika does her best to look very good to her classmates, Arata hated attention(particularly from females) and prefers being in the background. Another dire secret he keeps is about his broken family. It seems he was mentally scared by his mother abandoning him and his father in order to marry another man.

To sum that all up, he's an emo and an attractive one. He might as well hang out with Sasuke.

 The page above is the funniest part of the manga that I have read. My tummy hurt laughing and I can say the same for Arata who was watching her secretly from the door. LOL!

Switch girl is an entertaining manga. Perfect for people who are into love comedy themed stories. Things get serious in the later parts though, so again, I became bored and stopped reading it after awhile.

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