Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hanatsuki Hime

What really got me interested in the manga is the art. Everything is drawn in detail, the flowers, the characters and the costumes! The manga only consist of 8 chapters, so if you have some time to waste and are a hopeless romantic, you would enjoy reading this manga.

The manga tells us that this story is set in a far far away land. Through the pages, you will see the characters dressed in somewhat Persian clothes and a land of sand. You will also encounter a graceful street dancer, a demon disguised as a handsome man, an Arabian prince and even a tiny genie! 

I was attracted to this illustration of the dancer and main character, Lys.(see above picture)  Every page she's in is filled with her grace and charm.  I would have give the mangaka/artist, Wataru Hibiki a thumbs for his/her art skills. The artist has done well in creating the characters both with colorful designs as well as colorful personalities!

As you can already guess, this is a shoujo manga. The front cover shows us a remarkably handsome man(with a rather vicious look in his eyes) holding on to an attractive dancer. My first impression on this? Lolicon! LOL! And indeed, it was kinda lolican but minus the perverted-ness. Not to worry though, I can assure you that the love story is pretty wholesome.

That white haired fellow is the same guy from the picture before this. I hate to give out spoilers, but here's a clue. You see the flower on the girl's hair and the leaf patter on the guy's face? Well, they are indeed connected and I leave it up to you to find out about that connection.

Yet another, Lolicon-ish pic! The girl is actually 15 years old going on 16. There is something special about her 16th birthday. Again, I don't want to spoil you by telling you the reason why her 16th birthday is very special.

Their relationship is almost like that of a brother and a sister, but not really. I guess what made me think that is because the guy was the one who raised Lys and took her with him to travel to different cities and towns.
You will find the raven haired bishounen playing on a stringed instrument while the girl dances in front of a crowd. It's rather annoying that most chapters began with this scenery and telling as the same lines about a story from a far far away land and about a girl who had a flower marked on her chest.

Below is a picture of a prince. He's cute! It's sad that he doesn't have a better role other than being the Lys's temporary guardian and Siva's (raven haired guy) wannabee rival. Siva's not human, so the poor prince Russet don't stand a chance against him.

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